Technical support for foreign clients and investors in the Czech Republic

To be one step ahead

To successfully enter any new market by a foreign company or an investor requires detail knowledge not only of local legislation and legal standards, but also understanding of national culture and conventions of administrative management and administrative authorisation. Through a long-term practical experience (please check References) that Amec Foster Wheeler s.r.o. can offer professional technical support and services to its clients, when they are entering and lately operate on the Czech market. Amec Foster Wheeler´s customers can use our services from the first draft of their project, through its design and implementation, to its operation. Specialists employed in Amec Foster Wheeler s.r.o. are constantly trained in their knowledge and skills, what ensures their know-how is always up to date. They do their job on the professional level thereby provide continuous, successful business to our clients avoiding unnecessary problems, which can eventually lead to sanctions, fines and to other unexpected costs, or to a threat to health and safety aspects or environmental damage. Our superior environmental services help our clients to procure innovations minimising negative impacts on the environment, what emphasizes their accountable attitude to the nature protection and significantly increases their competitiveness and strengthen their position in the business market.
We guarantee, you will be one step ahead, if you use service providing by the company Amec Foster Wheeler s.r.o.
Amec Foster Wheeler s.r.o is a part of international company Amec Foster Wheeler registered in UK that operates in over 50 countries of the Word. By providing our services we take accountability for good reputation of the whole company.

    Services provided:

    – engineering and complete legislative support in the environmental field

    • analysis of the Czech environmental legislation, Building Act, Commercial Code, Tax Law and related legislation connected with the client´s business project,
    • analysis and implementation of the client´s rights and duties in the real conditions of his firm,
    • prevention of administrative offenses and sanctions,
    • assurance of establishment preparation of the local branch, support with taking-over or selling a local firm, etc.
    • preliminary negotiation of projects and potentially problematic parts with state and local authorities,
    • assurance of contacts on narrowly specialized, reputable and highly qualified organisations for solving problematic parts of the project,
    • help with search and selection of suitable locality for placing a business project, a plant or a new branch,

    – environmental Due Diligence (DD):

    • analysis of the project or business from the point of view of environmental pros and cons, of real and potential impacts (positive or negative) on the environment, identification of ecological risks and commitments to property, and related legislative and economic impacts,
    • review of actual and potential impacts of the project or the business on public health (Health Impact Assessment, HIA) according to the Act No. 100/2001 Coll. and Health Risk Assessment (HRA),
    • exploration work (outside and inside estate environment, construction materials, energy audit and energy performance of buildings, inside air pollution, pedological, geological, hydrogeological and hydrological contamination, noise pollution, radiation, impact of ambient environment),
    • suggestion of actions and estimation of costs needed for elimination of negative impacts and risks of the firm or the projects on the environment,
    • using methodology of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic,

    – identification of historical ecological contamination and its sanitation:

    • targeted geological survey for the purpose of investment building-up,
    • investigation of soil, under and ground water contamination,
    • identification of historical ecological contaminations, sanitation proposals,
    • execution of risk analyses for contaminated soil, rocks, water,
    • professional help with tender to carry out remedial works,
    • organisation, control and supervision on remedial works,
    • design, building-up and operation of monitoring systems,

    – planning and building permission procedure:

    • analysis of project and structure plan compliance,
    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
    • preparation of needed documents for planning and building permission procedure (EIA, inventory survey, biological assessment, assessment of the impact on the NATURA 2000 localities, authorised noise and vibration measurement, noise studies, authorised air pollution measurement and dispersion studies, HIA, HRA, assessment of ecological risks, etc.),

    – ecological outsourcing:

    • long-term performance of an external ecologist,
    • analysis and regular supervision of national environmental legislation compliance, elimination of prospective insufficiency,
    • execution of needed documentation and records in the fields of air, water and waste management,
    • execution of hazardous waste identification lists according to applicable legal standards and suggestions of appropriate collecting machinery and collecting sites,
    • suggestion of waste management process optimisation and its possible further usage,
    • suggestion of the best waste disposal method,
    • sampling and evaluation of waste and waste water,
    • execution of Waste Management Plans,
    • execution of operating and handling orders,
    • execution of needed documentation and application of IPPC permit, other services in the area of Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control (IPPC),
    • authorised measurement of emission sources, executing of dispersion and noise studies,
    • employee training for the field of waste management and handling of hazardous chemicals,
    • fees calculating, execution of regular government reports,
    • execution of annual statistical report to the Czech Statistical Office (CSO),
    • providing of related individual environmental service according to our offer,
    • arrangement and execution of necessary approvals from state authorities (e.g. hazardous waste management, export/import of waste, etc.),
    • communication with government organs,

    – health and safety at work, fire protection:

    • execution of initial analyses of health and safety at work and fire protection,
    • identification and evaluation of safety risks and fire danger,
    • design optimisation of work and working environment to minimise safety risks,
    • set fire protection organisation,
    • execution of required health and safety directions,
    • records execution of occupational injuries and health and safety personal cards of employees,
    • execution of traumatological plan,
    • execution of preventive medical examination schedule,
    • execution of safety and operating instructions for technical equipments,
    • execution of operating rules, transport rules, etc.,
    • execution of fire regulations, fire alarm directive, fire evacuation plan, documentation of fire-fighting, fire regulations of registration office,
    • fire books management,
    • fire books management,

    – Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH),

    – practical application of Geoinformatic systems and visualisation:

    • data analysis and its presentation in a clear map form,

    – grants form EU and Czech funds:

    • analysis of grant opportunities for client´s business project,
    • suggestion of strategy and conditions to get financial support,
    • professional review of projects and details delivered by a client, help with initial condition optimising,
    • execution of feasibility study,
    • execution of Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA),
    • execution of grant application,
    • support with processing the application at appropriate state authorities.

    High and unprejudiced level of our services is guaranteed by a team of skilled specialists, who satisfy our clients and govern a comprehensive service exactly according to client´s wish. An integral part of all services is an advisory consultancy.

    Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.

    We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.

    If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.