Noise analysis, noise measurement

Noise as a serious problem

Noise is one of the most serious factors influencing the environment and human health. Its negative influence is growing, mostly because of increasing number of noise sources from traffic, industry, households and entertainment business and also noise is being perceived as relatively more undesirable as the quality of other aspects of the environment is improving.

It is misleading to think that noise is less dangerous than air or water pollution. Not only high levels of noise have been proven to be dangerous. Also long term effects of low to medium level noise or short-term intensive exposures can be harmful for human health. Legal limits for noise protection are therefore strict.

Noise studies

Noise study analyses impact of emitted noise on adjacent land, territorial units and housing development. Noise studies are becoming a crucial part in land-use planning, project documentation and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Noise transmission calculations and 3D visualization are made in CadnaA software.

Software Hluk+ is used for 2D noise calculations.

Noise measurement

We provide accredited noise and vibration measurement in accordance to Act No. 258/2000 Coll. on Public Health Protection, and Government Order No. 272/2011 Coll., on the Protection of Health Against the Adverse Effects of Noise and Vibration, as amended.

    Our Services

    • 3D Noise Analysis (CadnaA software)
    • 2D Noise Analysis (Hluk+ software)
    • Authorised noise measurement and noise assessment in working and non-working environment both indoors and outdoors
    • Traffic noise level assessment (from road or rail) for the purposes of noise impact analysis from existing roads
    • Evaluation of construction associated noise on adjacent settlement
    • Noise mitigation proposals
    • Accredited measurements of vibrations transmitted to human body
    • Consultation services and representation of client in dealing with regulatory bodies

    If you require to solve acoustic problems, please contact us for further details. We would be pleased to suggest the most appropriate approach in your case and carry out the necessary work.

    Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.

    We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.

    If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.