Nuclear energy – consultation, analyses, advisory services

Nuclear energy – consultation, know – how transfer, analyses, safety assessment, advisory services

Our company is a part of US company Jacobs, section Critical Mission Solutions – International. Jacobs is supporting hundreds of nuclear programs worldwide. With more than 60 years of experience across the complete nuclear asset lifecycle. We have designed over 30 nuclear reactors, in the UK, Italy and Japan.

Our customers are: EDF Energy, AECL, ENEC, ITER, AWE, Rolls Royce, NII, US NRC, U.S. Department of Energy, BAE, Sellafield Ltd, Magnox Ltd and Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd., Japan’s Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation, ČEZ, Enel, JESS, JAVYS, Slovenské elektrárne, Eskom, S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A., CERN, LLW Repository Ltd and many others.

Our customers are owners, operators, contractors and regulatory authorities.

Our company Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o. operates mainly in the Czech Republic however we participated on many international projects as well.

    Our Services

    • Nuclear environmental impact assessment (EIA)
    • Know-how transfer from all branches relate to nuclear energy especially from UK, Canada, South Africa and USA
    • Concepts and technical specification documentation processing
    • Safety analyses, assessments and safety analysis reports
    • Coordination of involvement of Czech and Slovak companies into international projects
    • Risk analysis
    • Other projects in nuclear field

    One of the most important fields of our activity is Environmental Impact Assessment for nuclear installations. Our previous projects include EIA for Temelín 1,2 NPP, international EIA for Temelín 1,2 NPP, EIA for all spent nuclear fuel storages in the Czech Republic, Assessment of wider concepts of new nuclear sources, EIA for Temelín 3,4 NPP new build, EIA for Dukovany NPP new build, EIA for spent nuclear fuel in Kozloduy (Bulgaria), Environmental evaluation for the project of power uprate at Dukovany NPP or compEIA for Jaslovské Bohunice NPP new build in Slovakia.

    Thanks to our close relations with our parent company, we are able to use its know-how and background, which opens doors to many nuclear projects worldwide concerning the whole lifecycle of nuclear installations. Our parent company has participated on safety audit of Dukovany NPP at the beginning of 90’s, processed technical specification for I&C reconstruction of Dukovany and Bohunice NPPs. We reviewed emergency operating procedures (EOPs) elaborated by specialists from Dukovany NPP and Westinghouse as independent expert company. We processed pilot study for Bohunice V2 NPP design basis reconstitution.

    Other important fields of our activities are safety reports and risk analysis of nuclear installations. We have performed periodic safety review (PSR)) for Temelín NPP: SF No. 7 – Hazard analysis, SF No. 10 – Organization and control and SF No. 12 – Human factor. Further we processed of some chapters in safety report of Dukovany NPP for power uprate, or risk analysis for Dukovany NPP I&C reconstruction.

    We offer other services and know-how transfer in these nuclear fields:

    • Feasibility studies
    • Architect & Owner Engineering
    • Project management
    • Technical specifications, limits and conditions
    • Utilization of uncertainties in safety analysis for justification of power uprate
    • Safety analysis and Safety analysis report updates and elaboration
    • Periodic Safety Review
    • Seismic PSA and PSA Level 3
    • Detailed ergonomic and human factor analysis
    • Overall safety assessment of critical areas (Safety Cases)
    • Design of advanced fuel cycles (mixed core, 18-months cycle)
    • Outage management enhancement
    • Outage critical path analysis and shortening
    • Cost benefit applications – Reliability Centered Maintenance (RSM) methods
    • NPP ageing management, cables ageing management and life extension justification
    • Support for License renewal
    • NPP decommissioning
    • Nuclear waste management
    • Decontamination

    Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.

    We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.

    If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.