Biological assessment and surveys

What to evaluate and why?

Whether you intend to or you are already working on an investment plan which has a potential to intervene with nature protection interests, which are subjects of general nature and landscape protection, specially protected areas, memorial trees, specially protected species of plants, animals and minerals according to § 67 of Act No. 114/1992 Coll. On Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended, you are obliged to perform an assessment of the impact of the intervention on subjects of interest to protection.

The assessment is based on the definition of the impacts induced by the planned intervention and on results of field surveys in spring and summer aspect, supplemented by data from other sources (AOPK finding database). The assessment also includes a proposal of measures to reduce the occurrence of possible damage.

According to § 67 of Act No. 114/1992 Coll., the assessment is always performed before the implementation of the investment plan and must contain all requirements stated in § 7 of Decree No. 142/2018 Coll., as amended.

The decision regarding the necessity of the assessment lies with the Environmental Protection Body, which is authorised to grant permission to the intended investment plan.

When in doubt regarding the severity of the intervention and its scope, in terms of interests protected by this Act., the person who intends to implement it can request a statement from the Environmental Protection Body in question. Appropriate part of the request for a statement is an indicative biological survey, which defines affected biotopes and possible interests of nature protection in accordance with ZOPK and basic parameters of planned intervention.

    Our services:

    • Dendrological surveys.
    • Biological surveys (as a part of EIA or independent studies).
    • One-off and long-term biological surveys.
    • Biological assessment in accordance with § 67 and § 45 of Act No. 114/1992 Coll. as amended.
    • Proposal measures for planned interventions into aspects of Territorial System of Landscape Ecological Stability.
    • Proposal measures for planned interventions into Biocenters or Biocorridors.
    • Professional assistance with investment plan adjustments to minimize impact on concerned areas of environmental importance.
    • Investor support in territorial proceedings or application for construction permits.

    Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.

    We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.

    If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.