Assessment of impact on localities NATURA 2000

Natura 2000 is a coordinated network of protected areas. Based on common EU principles. All EU countries have to designate these protected areas.

Aim of Natura 2000 is to ensure protection of selected species and habitats, which are (from European point of view) the most threatened, rare or limited to a certain area (endemic).

An obligation to set up a Natura 2000 network is laid down in Council Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds (the so-called “Birds Directive”) and Directive 92/43 / EEC On the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (the so-called “Habitats Directive“).

Under the legislation stated above there are two types of strictly protected sites – Special Protection Areas (SPA) under the Birds Directive and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) under the Habitats Directive.

If you intend to or you are already working on any investment plan or concept, then you are obliged under § 45i Act No. 11/1992 Coll. On Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended, to request the relevant nature protection authority for a standpoint on possible impacts on Natura 2000 sites.

If the relevant authority will not exclude possible impact, then you are obliged to provide a so-called Natura assessment, which evaluates the effects of plans or concepts on individual subjects of protection and on the SPA/SAC.

The Natura assessment can be part of the EIA notice or EIA/SEA reports.

    Our Services

    • Applications for an authority statement on Natura 2000 impact assessment
    • Impact assessment of investment plans/concepts on Natura 2000 sites
    • Professional assistance with adjustments in investment plans/concepts to minimize the impact on concerned Natura 2000 sites
    • Professional assistance with compensatory or mitigation measures
    • We hold an authorisation under § 45i Act No. 11/1992 Coll.

    Jacobs Clean Energy s. r. o.

    We are able to provide our customers with above-standard service, for which we have all the professional background and know-how, given by many years of activity in the field. We employ people authorized to assess environmental impacts and experts in all major components of the environment.

    If you know (or believe) that your plan, strategy or document will be subject to a sustainable development assessment, please contact us, preferably in the early stages of your project. We can definitely help you.